Silverleaf Golf Pro

Body Screening

Ian Chapple

Ian Chapple earned his Master's degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Louisville. Ian specializes in sports physical therapy with an emphasis in human movement of sports related injuries. His treatment philosophy takes a functional approach, utilizing prescriptive corrective strengthening and flexibility exercises. Ian has worked with athletes at all levels including professional and amateur golfers in the valley including Paul Casey, Chez Reavie, Bryce Molder and Roger Tambellenni.

The goal of the Golf Assessment is to be an integral part of a team approach to achieve optimum joint and muscle symmetry, mobility and stability for the prevention of over-use injuries, treatment of current injuries, and the elimination of any swing faults, thus improving your golfing game.

Motion in the human body occurs in three directions. These are forward to backward (sagittal plane), side-to-side (frontal plane) and rotational (an important motion for golf known as traverse plane). These motions occur in multiple muscle groups and multiple joints all working in unison to maintain the most effective body position while swinging a club. Optimal body position minimizes swing faults and improves efficiency and performance. Thus, we will apply our knowledge about the optimal body position and movement when performing golf specific functional exercises.

The body works as an integrated system or kinetic chain and when there is diminished or restricted motion at one joint there will ultimately be excessive motion either above or below that joint causing increased stress or forces resulting in potential injury or a potential swing fault. There can also be inefficiency in energy transfer from one body segment to the next when the kinetic chain is not working optimally. When the energy is not transferred correctly the body will compensate by overusing the incorrect muscles and the incorrect time resulting in overuse injuries, and inefficient swing and swing faults. Healthy and compromised golfers of all levels will benefit from the Golf Assessment. The Golf Assessment will help you better understand your body mechanics when swinging a club and ultimately lead to more enjoyment from playing golf.

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